Letting some of it trickle out while trying to soak it all in

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Henry's first multi-stage mountain bike race

Henry came to his first mountain bike race last weekend.

It had been raining and there was a poor turnout.

Which means I could go head to head with the Tristanator

He beat me on the hill climb (6 miles up Ester Dome)

But with the family's help I took the day. (Here's the full account). He's going to his first multi stage road bike race tomorrow (you can follow the results on the Tour of Fairbanks website). Now for some additional pictures from our week.

If I were a mosquito, I would pick a different cloud berry to pollinate.

The research watershed where my labmates work is in the "drop area" of the rocket range. 

Making out or a meal?

I guess they were making out cause look how embarrassed they were when I tapped on the window.

 This is how far away Ingrid likes to be from Henry whenever they are both awake.


Henry still isn't totally used to this world but he's doing a good job. 

So is his mommy. 

Ingrid is the best big sister. I think she gets it from my big sister.


"Good night little guy."

p.s. His name is officially Henry Atigun Abbott. Rachel signed the birth certificate yesterday.


  1. Waaaaaah Little Henry. Welcome home buddy. P.S. Let's skype dude.

  2. nice pictures, a fine name, and what a racer!

  3. Atigun as in the Brooks Range pass?

    If so, who was that named after?

    1. Atigun was some Russian explorer. I don't actually know much about him (or her), but there is a famous horse named Atigun racing the Belmont Stakes right now: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/mcpeek-eyes-spoiler-article-1.1091157

  4. ingrid loves henry and it's too cute.
    i can't handle the abbotts anymore.
    cutegasms are causing a stir.
    love, hjh

    1. I can't handle those guys either! Life with them is 82% grinning and 10% tantrum.

    2. I love it Ben. I would say Amy and I's lives are 82% grinning and 10% tantrum as well, but we don't have any children :). I heart the Abbotts!

  5. congratulations on the time trial.
    how can a person ride again the next day? and then the next?
    you're a tough guy, ben.

    1. Oh yeah, and a lot of oatmeal and bananas :)

  6. Thanks Pops, it was a blast. Ingrid and Henry were asleep in the car during the race. After I finished Ingrid jolted awake in the carseat and politely asked, "How did your bike race go? I was asleep in the car so I didn't see all of the bikers."

    As for the multi stage nature of the race, it adds another dimension to pacing. You need to consider how many more miles and feet of climbing you have left but also how many races you have left. That said, my training has consisted almost exclusively of riding to work (which I do day after day) so this isn't too much of a stretch.

  7. What, no Stephen Colbert?! Just kidding, I like the name you guys chose :) Looks like it was a fun race. I like your pictures.

  8. Ben, that last stage must have been amazing. I stand in awe.

  9. Screeech! Cute people! Welcome to earth Henry.

  10. OH My goodness gracious.. I'm so in love with our newest Abbott addition.. I intensively and whole heartedly LOVE you Benny, Rach, Ingrid, and Henry. And i'm already counting down the days till i get to see you ;) Love package will soon be on its way;) Mwuuuuuaaaaahhhh to all your greatness;) ..mar
