Letting some of it trickle out while trying to soak it all in

Monday, December 2, 2013


Contagion was a good movie for
Matt Damon 

This was a good week for 

Twenty five hours past forty
but they say that long workers exaggerate
on accident, counting time backwards from the end of the week
trying to prove their worthiness. 

And a holiday! One we all get behind
cause Christians and pagans were there from the beginning
Need and bounty twirl on the American beach
sand in the stuffing
and we eat for days what should have been our national bird. 


  1. Dear Family of Abbotts, Merry Christmas! I like your poem, if that's what it is (even if that's not what it is). Also, my roommate and I have been inserting a low intonation of "there will always be Sacrament Meeting" randomly into our conversations.

  2. BRRR! Merry Christmas Ben and Family!
