Tuesday, July 21, 2020

FAQs about the COVID-19 and masks study

When my students and I started our review of the science on COVID-19 and masks, I had no idea how much of a response it would trigger. Usually when I publish a research paper, it sails silently into the sea of science. For this report, I have been overwhelmed with inquiries, comments, and suggestions. I am really grateful that so many people care about this issue, and it confirms my observations that many sincere individuals want to get to the bottom of this issue. I'm also grateful that most of the response has been respectful and constructive, even when people disagree. Several questions keep coming up, so I decided to post this list of FAQs. Please take a look and then feel free to leave a comment if you aren't satisfied or if you have additional suggestions.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Seekers and tellers of the truth

Brother Cook asked me to speak in our church meeting last week. Because of COVID, the congregation has been split into four groups. Last names A though H meet on the first Sunday of the month. This was my first time back to church since March, and even though there were only ~25 of us in the chapel, it was moving to worship with friends long unseen. Social distancing was carefully implemented, and all but one congregant wore a mask. Brother Cook sanitized the pulpit and microphone with an antiseptic wipe between announcements and prayers. 

Videochatting with family in China, New York, and across town.